The biggest motivation at that point is that it culminates in a draft environment that I can share with both my IRL playgroup and the MTGCS community." By designing a set, I am able to direct my designs toward a single unified purpose and theme, both flavorfully and mechanically. "I personally tend to find the most interesting and engaging way to create new cards to be through set design. "Generally, sets are roughly concepted top down." "What I really like to do is to surf across art sites, find some neat artworks, then give them a story/character by creating a card from the artwork." "I want to make cards that inspire people to write things, and think on cool ideas." "If the focus is on something like artwork or story, I'll begin by trying to translate it best and as interestingly to Magic mechanics as I can, or otherwise finding the best "fit" for it." Some of us like to design around stories.

"I think, what makes this card unique? Is it the amazing art? Is it the sick flavor text? Is it the crazy one liner?" "I like making fun cards that aren't cards you would normally see in an official Magic Pack." "Get a vague idea, find art, and try and make it work from there." "What's the coolest thing I can do without a bunch of words?" Here is some of what you had to say about your inspiration for creating custom cards. What's your inspiration to create custom cards? We've picked a handful of excerpts from your responses to share in the blog this month, but there were so many great responses, that we've decided to post them all on the May 2021 Forum Thread. We're not as famous as Steve Harvey, but recently we posted a survey and asked YOU. The designs featured are some of the most incredible and mind-blowing custom cards ever crafted on MTGCS, or anywhere else! If you don't find yourself with a Feature this month, it isn't because we forgot you or you haven't made some great cards, it's only because we could only fit a few of the thousands of masterful cards that WE have created over the past 10 years! So in our attempt to honor not just our past, but our present as well, this month you'll find Featured Cards from just a handful of the amazing people who you may not have met, some that are still around, and some that joined our family not too long ago.

Creators like NilGravity, who posted the first set of entirely custom artwork cards, Looverse, who brought a larger than life personality and cards that matched, Grimshac who made not just amazing challenges, but created the original Circuit Challenge that we're still using today! We could list a virtual cornucopia of early Cardsmiths such as MrRansom, Cryptonight, Shinobi, krazykobold, Memnarchitect, DeepSky, Crimson, Noobplayzgames and of course the incomparable Beeswax, and only scratch the surface of people who have made our site, YOUR site what it is today! We're still going to try, but it really is an impossible task! When we first started, there were already legendary Cardsmiths who were no longer making custom cards, and we had no idea how many countless others would come along and leave their mark on MTG Cardsmith. It would be impossible to list everyone, or even acknowledge all of the folks who've left their mark on the website since day one. It's hard to believe that MTGCardsmith has been around for 10 Years now! We've been reminiscing about all of the Cardsmiths who have come and gone throughout the years.